Thursday, May 18, 2017

Cauliflower (2017): A Short Comedic Skit

You say tomato, I say tomahtoe. Don't know what it is? Then just fake it! One of our most shared flaws is trying not to appear to be ignorant of something while looking stupid in the process. Well I know where vegetables come from... they come from a store. Of course I know that; do I look stupid to you?

That was a rhetorical question ...and that was cold.

Three women are at a dinner party hosted by a friend. This friend is listing off the different delicacies being offered up tonight. One of these delicacies gets a rather unusual response. Do they not like it? Do they not know what it is?

In barely 2 minutes, Phoebe Torres has created an hilarious comedy skit. It relies solely on dropping a single punchline, but it's not the punchline that matters, rather the build up to the punchline, and that is where she succeeds so well with Cauliflower.

Now how do you rate something that is only 2 minutes? This brings up an interesting and necessary point that rating movies, shorts and skits is not comparing them to each other. It is rating it within its context and how well it succeeds at that. Cauliflower depends on a punchline for its big laugh, but it's setup is where it earns its stripes, or in this case Daggers. I about fell over from laughing when Phoebe Torres delivered the punchline. Additionally, I did not see it coming, which gets it an extra mark for not being formulaic.

I give it a full 5 Daggers. The setup and delivery are perfect, and the punchline will stay with you.


You can watch Cauliflower for free on YouTube.

Check out its IMDB page.

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