Saturday, May 13, 2017

Gary from Accounting (2016): What Matters Most

Gary from Accounting (2016; Indie Short Subject) - When someone turns to the bottle for sustenance, and I don't mean mothers' milk, sometimes you have to sit down with them and point out the important things in life. Remind them of the people they are hurting. Point out the important things, beyond marriage, beyond family, sitting right in front of them.

Nathan has a drinking problem. He comes home late from work, not quite getting the difficulty he has caused in that special person's life. Waiting at home this time are his wife and sister in a specially planned intervention. For this planned event they have invited Gary, Nathan's very best .., Oops!

In only 5 short minutes Gary from Accounting succeeds in satirizing something we seem to hold dear in our lives, even more than family itself. Timothy J. Cox heads up this cast which includes Mark Grenier, Thea McCartan and Jake Lipman. As usual in what I have come to expect from him, in a matter of seconds Cox takes a role from edgy drama to comical without missing a beat.

Phoebe Torres scripted Gary from Accounting. She plugs in all the necessary ingredients into a one act play, and satirizes something that hits home for so many of us, but we have not looked at it in quite this way. Do yourself a favor and watch this comedy, and I'm going to do myself a favor and keep an eye out for more to come from Phoebe Torres.

I give it 4 Daggers


Watch it for free on YouTube.

Check out the IMDB page.

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